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Events: 2022 Trainfest Photos

The Mudhens' Illinois Division set up their modules at the 2022 Trainfest show, held in Milwaukee  on November 12 and 13.  Several  modules and two large loop modules, built by John Massura, Craig Crombar and George Pierson, formed a linear layout designed for continuous running and viewable from both sides.  Mike McKenzie and Dean Smith also helped with the display and operation.

In the foreground is Craig Crombar's Covered Bridge module, followed by George Pierson's Tuscarora Valley and several of John Massura's modules. Photo by  Mike McKenzie

Visitors are taking in John Massura's Telluride module. Photo by  Mike McKenzie


A passenger train steams across the Howe truss bridge on John Massura's Lost Canyon module.  The vehicle side is ready for replanking by the highway department.  Photo by  Mike McKenzie

Photo by: Gary Duffy

 George Pierson's Tuscarora Valley module features a beautifully detailed engine house with a removable roof.  Tuscarora Valley #2 is on the ready track.  Photo by  Mike McKenzie

 Also on George Pierson's Tuscarora Valley module  is the scratch built Blairs Mills depot.    Photo by  Mike McKenzie

 An  East Tennessee and Western North Carolina (ET&WNC) passenger train steams across the high bridge on John Massura's Lost Canyon module. Photo by  Mike McKenzie

 Here we get a low angle perspective of the high bridge on John Massura's  Lost Canyon module. Photo by  John Massura.

 An ET&WNC passenger train passes the back of the depot on John Massura's Telluride module. Photo by  Mike McKenzie

 An ET&WNC mixed train passes through Craig Crombar's Covered Bridge module and onto Elk Park.   Photo by  Mike McKenzie

© 2021 by The Modular HO Narrow Gauge Society (Mudhens)   Web Designs by ARF

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