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Events: 2021 Railroad Prototype Modelers (RPM) Collinsville Meet Photos

With the re-start of conventions after the pandemic, in 2021 we again showed the St. Louis club loop modules at the yearly RPM meet in Collinsville, IL.  We had a good turnout of hands to help bring the modules from their storage locker to the convention center  where we set up the loop in about 1 1/2 hours. The loop is getting very close to allowing a tool-less setup, one of the goals of this collection of modules.  While we will never attain 100% tool-less because we will always need levels, this loop is very easy to set up .  

The show is a two day event and we always had someone on duty to operate a train for the public and the layout was well received by show  attendees.   

The afternoon of the final day we spent a very enjoyable  time  operating the layout using train orders put together by Chuck Graham.  There were 2 freight trains and 1 passenger train.  Each train had an engineer and a conductor and there were plenty of train fans watching and laughing with us as we tried to fulfill our orders.  Great fun amongst friends and fans.


Photos from some earlier RPM Meets are included below.

Mining District & Lake Junction.jpg

Photo by: Gary Duffy

The Sheridan Mining district is the scene here at the 2017 RPM Meet, with the Lake Junction Branch in the distance, turning south  to Lake City while the mainline continues on west to Placerville.

Placerville JS.jpg
PagosaJunction CG JS, EW.jpg
Omega Junction&leopardCreek CG.jpg

Another view of the Sheridan Mining District where it connects to the Placerville module.  Locomotive #40 has quite a string of  behind her.

Pagosa Junction, a double header with the second loco cut in just ahead of the caboose.  Looks like she is hauling several loads of pipe today.  DCC makes such things much easier.

John Scherr concentrating on bringing his train into Placerville.  Looks pretty peaceful in town today.

Chuck Graham enjoys his train running thru the scenic Leopard Creek area before drifting into Omega Junction.

While Ed Walton attends to something going on in West End, Bob Lenz and  Tom MacKenzie look on.  Love the junk in the back of these buildings and the great weathering on the water tower.

John's train passes thru Pagosa Junction on the main line as Ed's train is just entering the area, and Chuck watches on at the 2017 RPM Meet.

While Chuck, Bob Micketts and Allen Farnsworth take a break from operating, John works out a switching problem in the Sheridan Mining District.

Looks like John has solved his switching problem and is in the process of dropping off a car - no fingers allowed John!  (Or at least you shouldn't be photographed doing it.

Placerville&WestPlacerville CG.jpg

Here we see Chuck at one of his other hobbies: photography, at the 2017 RPM Meet.  

Hipster with Diamond Cap
Pointed Witch Hat
Hipster with Diamond Cap

Photo by: Gary Duffy

Photo by: Gary Duffy

Photo by: Gary Duffy

Photo by: Gary Duffy

Photo by: Gary Duffy

Photo by: Gary Duffy

Photo by: Gary Duffy

Photo by: Gary Duffy

Photo by: Gary Duffy

© 2021 by The Modular HO Narrow Gauge Society (Mudhens)   Web Designs by ARF

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