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Events: 2021 Payson, AZ Christmas Display

Every year since 2007, the Mudhens living in Payson set up a display loop of modules.  The pictures below detail the  2021 layout setup.

This is the overall plan drawing for the 2021 layout.

Arizona 2021 Christmas 101c.jpg

Drawing by John Scherr

The modules in this scene are (from left to right):  Creede Plus, Triple Mine Module,  Big Mill , finishing with the Alpine Tunnel Module at the top of the Continental Divide.

Pointed Witch Hat

Photo by John Scherr

This is the Palisades module, produced by the father-son modeling duo of Chuck and Scot Proudfoot.  Located on the DSP&P/CS line between Nathrop and Gunnison in Colorado.  The Palisades are dry set stone retaining walls, back-filled with rubble, to produce  a ledge wide enough to run a narrow gauge train upon, since the cliffs are so steep there was just no other way up the mountain.

Having been to this location on more than one occasion, the exquisite detail in this module is only lacking the scent of pine on fresh mountain air, and the call of eagles to make it complete! 


Photo by John Scherr


Photo by John Scherr

Also constructed by the Proudfoots and 2-3 miles further uphill from the Palisades is the West portal of historic Alpine Tunnel, the first tunnel to pierce the continental divide.  A few facts about the tunnel, taken from Dow Helmers "Historic Alpine Tunnel":

    West Portal is at elevation of 11,521.13' 

    Apex of the tunnel was elevation 11,523.7'

    East Portal is at elevation  11,496.5'

    The tunnel is 1,771.7' long

    Rails and ties are still in place throughout the entire tunnel

    Both entrances are blocked by cave-ins and rock slides


This is the Tripple Mine module


Photo by John Scherr

This is the last train out of Ouray heading for the deep cut.  That's where Santa is getting off - he needed some spare parts for his sleigh so he can get back to the task at hand.


Photo by John Scherr


Another view of the Ouray Module as a passenger train with 2 coaches and a baggage car leaves Ouray. 

Photo by John Scherr


Here we have a look at the Big Mill Stamp Mill module with our train just crossing over Big Mill Creek.

© 2021 by The Modular HO Narrow Gauge Society (Mudhens)   Web Designs by ARF

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