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Club History

The Mudhens are a club promoting narrow gauge railroading, modeled in HO scale.   Formally known as The Modular HO Narrow Gauge Society, the club was founded in the early 1980’s by the late Bob Rands of RailCraft/Micro Engineering in St. Louis, Missouri. The club now includes members in multiple locations in five states.


The original concept featured single track mainline emphasizing realistic and dramatic scenery. Early operation of the railroad was point to point. Soon, corners were included to allow continuous operations at shows. Modules depicted modelers favorite locations such as Doe River Gorge and Cranberry on the ET & WNC (“Tweetsie”), Red Mountain Town (Silverton RR), Rico (Rio Grande Southern), Alpine Tunnel (Denver, South Park & Pacific), Chama NM and Lake Junction (D & RGW). Others built modules of freelanced locations.


Original modules were 30” wide by even foot lengths. Two standard corners were also allowed. Operation was by Analog DC. In 2007 the standard table design was changed to a length of 72" by a width of 24”. A backdrop is usually built in making the standard height 24". However, other module sizes have recently been built and incorporated in shows providing great flexibility for individual members. Operation is now by Digital Command Control. The club often sets up at local or national venues. The model railroads we set up may include more than twenty modules. A featured sectional group of tables exists in St. Louis, MO and consists of an eight-table loop plus one table for connecting a branch line. Other fine modular and sectional groups exist in Payson and Tucson, Arizona; Chicago, Illinois, a suburb of Dallas, Texas and Colorado Springs and Windsor, Colorado.


The Mudhens are dedicated to high quality modeling, improving our skills and enhancing others enjoyment of model railroading. New members and visitors are always welcome.

© 2021 by The Modular HO Narrow Gauge Society (Mudhens)   Web Designs by ARF

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